- Republic of Latvia Patent No. A61B3/18 15012 A, P-13-205, Ierīce redzes funkciju izvērtēšanai [Visual function evaluation device], autori Trukša, R., Krūmiņa, G., Fomins, S., Lācis, I., Kassaliete, E., Švede, A., & Ikaunieks, G. (submitted 06.12.2013, published 20.06.2015).
- Krūmiņa, G., Švede, A., Kassaliete, E., Grabovska, I., Krokša, L., Pūce, G., Caune, K., & Ikaunieks, G. (2013). Skolas vecuma bērnu redzes skrīnings un tuvuma redzes funkciju novērtēšanas metode. Latvijas Universitāte, Latgales Druka, 153 lpp., ISBN 9789934517174
- Krūmiņa, G., Jakovļeva, J., Ekimāne, L., Šķilters, J., Lācis, I., Kassaliete, E., & Ikaunieks, G. (2013). Skolas vecuma bērnu redzes uztveres novērtēšanas metode. Latvijas Universitāte, Latgales Druka, 103 lpp., ISBN 9789934517167
- Kalniča-Dorošenko, K. (2020). Ekrāns un bērnu redze. Ā, 9(61), 18.-22.lpp. ISSN 2256-0831.
- Epnere, U., & Kalniča-Dorošenko, K. (2020). Beitsa vingrinājumi. Ā, 9(61), 26.lpp. ISSN 2256-0831.
- Slabcova, J., Krūmiņa, G., Švede, A., Ikaunieks, G., & Kassaliete, E. (2020). Jaunākās tendences bērnu skrīningā. Grāmatā: Cilvēka fizioloģijas un uztveres aktuālie pētījumi 2020. gadā. Rīga, LU FMOF Optometrijas un redzes zinātnes nodaļa, 1.-6.lpp. ISBN 9789934231971
- Kalniča-Dorošenko, K., Dilāne, I., Gintere, A., Oša, B., & Valeiņa, S. (2019). Bērni ar ambliopiju un vecāku attieksme pret ambliopijas ārstēšanu. Latvijas Ārsts, 11, 20.-25.lpp. ISSN 1019-5068.
- Panke, K., Jakobsone, L., Svede, A., & Krumina, G. (2019). Smartphone viewing distance during active or passive tasks and relation to heterophoria. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11207, Article number 1120714. DOI: 10.1117/12.2527313
- Panke, K., Švede, A., & Krūmiņa, G. (2019). Akomodācijas un verģences sistēmas balansa diagnostika: akomodācijas mērījumu iespējas un pielietojums redzes ergonomikas pētījumos. Grāmatā: Cilvēka fizioloģijas un uztveres aktuālie pētījumi 2019.gadā. Rīga, LU FMOF Optometrijas un redzes zinātnes nodaļa, 133.-144.lpp. ISBN 9789934197758
- Ruskule, Z., Valeiņa, Z., Kalniča-Dorošenko, K., & Balgalve, A. (2019). Latvijas bērnu redzes skrīninga izveide. Latvijas Ārsts, 11, 28.-34.lpp. ISSN 1019-5068.
- Ikaunieks, G., Panke, K., Seglina, M., Švede, A., & Krūmiņa, G. (2017). Accommodation amplitude in school-age children. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Science, Section B, 71(5), pp.387-391. DOI: 10.1515/prolas-2017-0065
- Ikaunieks, G., Petrova, A., Panke, K., & Krūmiņa, G. (2017). Visual acuity in myopes with standard and reversed contrast optotypes. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Science, Section B, 71(1/2), pp.22-26. DOI: 10.1515/prolas-2017-0004
- Karitans, V., Lesina, N., Kassaliete, E., Svede, A., Laicane, I., Ekimane, L., Ozolins, M., & Krumina, G. (2017). Measuring the refractive state of an eye based on the intensity of the retinal reflex. Journal of Modern Optics, 64(17), pp.1751-1761. DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2017.1314028
- Karitans, V., Lesina, N., Kassaliete, E., Svede, A., Ozolins, M., & Krumina, G. (2017). Measuring the refractive state of an eye on the basis of intensity of the retinal reflex. Journal of Modern Optics, 64(17), pp.1751-1761. DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2017.1314028
- Panke, K., Svede, A., & Jaschinski, W. (2017). Changes in physiological astigmatism of human eye during accommodation in emmetropes. Proceedings of SPIE. Optics + Photonics, 9974, pp. 621-622. DOI: 10.1117/12.2237266
- Panke, K., Svede, A., Jaschinski, W., & Krumina, G. (2017). Usage of CISS and Conlon surveys for eye accommodation studies. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10453, Article number 104533A. DOI: 10.1117/12.2276618
- Serdjukova, J., Ekimane, L., Valeinis, J., Skilters, J., & Krumina, G. (2017). How strong and weak readers perform on the Development Eye Movement test (DEM): norms for Latvian school-age children. Reading and Writing, 30(2), pp.233-252. DOI: 10.1007/s11145-016-9671-7 – Web of Science, Scopus
- Trukša, R., Juraševska, K., Livzāne, A., & Dzenis, J. (2017). Differences in chromatic sensitivity estimated using static and dynamic colour stimuli. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 71(5), pp.380-386. DOI: 10.1515/prolas-2017-0064
- Ikaunieks, G., Kassaliete, E., & Švede, A. (2016). Optometristi veic skolēnu redzes pārbaudi. Stars, 33, 5.lpp
- Juraševska, K., Ozolinsh, M., Fomins, S., Gūtmane, A., Zutere, B., Pausus, A., & Karitans, V. (2016). Color-discrimination threshold determination using pseudoisochromatic test plates. In: Costa, M.F. (Ed.) Color Vision Sensation and Perception. Frontiers Media SA, pp.37-43. ISBN 9782889199600
- Kassaliete, E., Lacis, I., Fomins, S., & Krumina, G. (2015). Reading and coherent motion perception in school age children. Annals of Dyslexia, 65(2), pp.69-83. DOI: 10.1007/s11881-015-0099-6
- Švede, A., Treija, E., Jaschinski, W., & Krumina, G. (2015). Monocular versus binocular calibrations un evaluating fixation disparity with a video-based eye-tracker. Perception, 44(8-9), pp.1110-1128. DOI: 10.1177/0301006615596886
- Ikaunieks, G., Caure, E., Kassaliete, E., & Meskovska, Z., (2012). Determination of myopes’ visual acuity using stimuli with different contrast. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 49(5), pp.18-23
- Kassaliete, E., Megne, E., Lācis, I., & Fomins, S. (2012). Visual word recognition in normal reading children and children with reading difficulties. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 49(5), pp.32-39
- Laicane, I., Filimonova, L., & Lacis, L. (2012). Parameters of saccadic eye movements in reading and dot scanning tasks. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 49(5), pp.9-17
- Pladere, T., Timrote, I., & Krumina, G. (2012). Dependence of attention and working capacity on peripheral visual stimuli. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 49(5), pp.40-47
- Timrote, I., Pladere, T., Skribe, M., & Krumina, G. (2012). A method for evaluation of peripheral visual perception. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 49(5), pp.48-55
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- Fomins, S., Trukša, R., Juraševska, K., & Strade, L. (2019). Model to predict Farnsworth D-15 performance under fluorescent and daylight illumination, Colour in Health and Employment Conference, Abstract Book, p.7.
- Fomins, S., Trukša, R., Krūmiņa, G., & Ozolinsh, M. (2019). Farnsworth D-15 model proposes significant role or blue-yellow channel in anomalous observers. 25th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Abstract Book, p.73.
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- Kassaliete, E., Ikaunieks, G., Švede, A., Fomins, S., & Krūmiņa, G. (2019). Prevalence of color vision deficiency among school age children in Latvia. 25th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Abstract Book, p.125. ISBN 9789934556456
- Ruskule, Z., Valeiņa, S., Kalniča, K., Zakutājeva, I., Dilāne, I., & Balgalve, A. (2019). How can we build eye screening for children in states where are optometrists. 45th Annual Meeting of the European Paediatric Ophthalmologic Society, EPOS 2019, Abstract Book, p.75.
- Svede, A., Ikaunieks, G., Kassaliete, E., & Krumina, G. (2019). Near vision screening in school age children. 45th Annual Meeting of the European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society, Abstract Book, p.114
- Trukša, R., Bērziņa, A., Fomins, S., & Krūmiņa, G. (2019). Krāsu ansambļi. LU FMOF Optometrijas un redzes zinātnes nodaļas un Latvijas optometristu un optiķu asociācijas konference, Latvijas Universitātes 77. zinātniskā konference, Referātu tēzes, 4.lpp.
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- Kassaliete, E. (2018). Bērna redzes un uztveres attīstība. LU FMOF Optometrijas un redzes zinātnes nodaļas un Latvijas optometristu un optiķu asociācijas konference, Latvijas Universitātes 76. zinātniskā konference, Referātu tēzes, 3.lpp.
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- Karitāns, V., Fridrihsone, N., Kassaliete, E., Švede, A., Ozoliņš, M., & Krūmiņa, G. (2016). Slope of the accommodative response measured with the retinal brightness method. 1st International Symposium on Visual Physiology, Environment, and Perception (VISPEP), Abstract Book, p.55
- Panke, K., Svede, A., Jaschinski, W., & Krumina, G. (2016). Relationship between heterophoria and accommodative lag at distances closer than 40 cm. Perception, 45(6), p.704
- Švede, A., Sobczak, M., Panke, K., Fomins, S., Trukša, R., & Krūmiņa, G. (2016). Open-view system for measurements of accommodation and vergence. 1st International Symposium on Visual Physiology, Environment, and Perception (VisPEP), Abstract Book, p.41.
- Bērziņa, D., Švede, A., Kassaliete, E., Ikaunieks, G., Lācis, I., & Krūmiņa, G. (2015). Profesionālās pieredzes ietekme uz redzes funkciju novērtējumu skrīninga apstākļos. Latvijas Universitātes 73. zinātniskā konference, Redzes zinātnes sekcija, Referātu tēzes, 31.-32.lpp.
- Ikaunieks, G., Kapteine, L., Seglina, M., Panke, K., & Krumina, G. (2015). Changes in amplitude of accommodation for school-age children during the day. Perception, 44(S1), p. 335.
- Juraševska, K., Trukša, R., Broka, L., Ozolinsh, M., & Krumina, G. (2015). The measurement of isochromatic areas in altered color vision. Perception, 44(4), pp.459-460
- Kassaliete, E., Krastiņa, A., Trukša, R., Meļķe, K., Lācis, I. (2015). Koherentās kustības uztvere mainīgu stimula parametru ietekmē. Latvijas Universitātes 73. zinātniskā konference, Redzes zinātnes sekcija, Referātu tēzes, 41.-42.lpp.
- Kassaliete, E., Svede, A., Ikaunieks, G., Valeinis, J., & Krumina, G. (2015). Near point visual skills and reading fluency in school age children. Perception, 44(4), pp.460-461
- Marcinkeviča, B., Kassaliete, E., Fomins, S., & Lācis, I. (2015). Koherentās kustības uztvere pie stimula centrālas un ekscentriskas fiksācijas. Latvijas Universitātes 73. zinātniskā konference, Redzes zinātnes sekcija, Referātu tēzes, 13.-14.lpp.
- Švede, A., Kroksa, L., Caune-Berzina, K., Puce, G., Grabovska, I., Ikaunieks, G., Fomins, S., Kassaliete, E., & Krumina, G. (2015). Near vision problems and learning difficulties in school age children. Creating a forum for optometry and optics in Europe, 7th Annual Conference, Abstract Book, p.74.
- Timrote, I., Alberte, L., Reinvalde, A., Fomins, S., & Krumina, G. (2015). Visual search strategy changes between school-age and adulthood. Perception, 44(4), p.467
- Kassaliete, E., Krastina, A., Blake, J., Lacis, I., & Fomins, S. (2013). Global motion perception of good and poor readers. Perception, 42(S), p.210
- Krumina, G., Jakovleva, J., Svede, A., Kassaliete, E., & Ikaunieks, G. (2013). A survey of near visual function in Latvian school-age children with and without learning difficulties. Der Ophthalmologe, 110(S), pp.14-15
- Laicane, I., Lacis, I., Dizpetere, L., & Krumina, G. (2013). Influence of bottom-up and top-down processing on eye movement parameters in horizontal scanning tasks. Perception, 42(S), p.41.
- Timrote, I., Reinvalde, A., Zirdzina, M., Pladere, T. & Krumina, G. (2013). Eye movements change according to peripheral information. Perception, 42(S), p.217
- Švede, A., Liepa, I., Bumbiška, M., Buile, K., Fomins, S., & Krūmiņa, G. (2013). Computerised tests for vergence performance screening at school. 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, Abstract Book, p.515
- Kassaliete, E., Megne, E., Lacis, I., & Fomins, S. (2012). Visual word recognition in Latvian children with and without reading difficulties. Perception, 41(S), p.130
- Krumina, G., Janberga, E., Svede, A., Kassaliete, E., & Ikaunieks, G. (2012). Stereoacuity results of three different tests for schoolchildren. Der Ophthalmologe, 109(S), p.62
- Lacis, I., Laicane, I., & Skilters, J. (2012). Effect of grouping by similarity in processing simple visual stimuli. Perception, 41(S), p.170
- Timrote, I., Krumina, G., Pladere, T., & Skribe, M. (2012). A study to evaluate peripheral visual perception. Perception, 41(S), p.132